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Mining Companies
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The Dolores open pit silver-gold mine is located in the Sierra Madre Occidental mountain range in the state of Chihuahua, in the municipality of Madera, approximately 250 kilometres west of the city of Chihuahua. The area of the concessions is 27,700 hectares.
The original Kerr-Sulphurets project was comprised of two contiguous claim blocks in the Iskut-Stikine region in British Columbia, approximately 20 kilometres southeast of the Eskay Creek Mine.
QIT-Fer et Titane exploits an ilmenite deposit at Lac Tio, near Havre-Saint-Pierre, Quebec, and operates a metallurgical complex in Sorel-Tracy, Quebec, where high-quality titanium dioxide, pig iron and steel are extracted from this ore.
Patience Lake potash mine is located near the city of Saskatoon in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan. At Patience Lake potash is mined in situ by using a solution mining method where hot water is pumped through drillholes into the underground potash deposit and the resulting brine is then recovered through another set of drillholes and...
Safford is an open-pit copper mining complex.